Post-Operative Instructions: Biopsy
- If you are medically able, take ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) and acetaminophen (Tylenol®). Start with 600mg ibuprofen and alternate with 500mg Acetaminophen every three hours so that each medication is taken on its own 6-hour schedule.
- If you are given stronger pain medication, please take it as directed in addition to the ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
- Writing down the medication taken, dose, and time assists in limiting confusion.
- Start taking the first ibuprofen dose as soon as possible after the procedure.
- Stitches will dissolve on their own in approximately 1 week. If they fall out before/after a week that is normal.
- If you have stitches near your lip, keeping them moist with Vaseline® can help reduce irritation.
- Numbness can last for a few hours following the procedure. Be mindful when eating foods or drinking hot liquids to not reinjure the area.
- Sites can heal similarly to an ulcer, avoid spicy/acidic foods and drinks.
- Swelling can increase during the first 48 hours after the procedure and peak around day 3.
- Swelling should start to decrease after the first week.
Oral Hygiene
- Resume normal oral hygiene and brushing after the procedure.
- Begin gentle warm salt water rinses 24 hours after the procedure and continue for 7 days. If you were given a medicated mouth rinse, use morning and evening for 1 week starting 24 hours after your procedure or as directed on the prescribed bottle.
- Avoid smoking as it delays healing.
- If you were given an antibiotic, take it as prescribed until completed.
- Limit strenuous activity following the procedure and gradually increase as you feel more comfortable.